Blue Bay House

Blue Bay House

The Blue Bay House project was selected to be part of Unreal Engine posts in media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…) and also selected as “Best of the Week” twice and “Viz Pro” Award in CGArchitect


The idea of this structure was to create a modern and practice house with big gardens

BBH 06
BBH 03
BBH 018
BBH 014
BBH 01
BBH 019
BBH 012
BBH 016
BBH 010
BBH 017
BBH 020
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End of Content.


The luxury and calm tones set the interior enviroment as a cozy and great ambient

BBH Interiors 013
BBH Interior 01
BBH Interior 03
BBH Interior 05
BBH Interior 04
BBH Interior 02
BBH Interior 08
BBH Interior 07

Breakdown Process

This was a challenging project that needed a lot of re contruction to achieve a realistic look. I